Effective communication is the key to a successful marriage or partnership. I have completed Level 3 Training in Gottman Method Couples Therapy and will be using this treatment model in my work with you and your partner. Using this type of treatment is a much more intensive way of attending to couples counseling. This is longer than the therapeutic hour (50 minutes) and it is not considered short term therapy. Therefore I will not be using your insurance or EAP benefits. Another reason I do fee based vs. insurance based, with couples, is that I have found that my couples work harder on their relationships; when they are paying for it. I look forward to working with you. Please give me a call if you have any questions.
“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.”
– Benjamin Franklin
Marathon Sessions If you and your partner have a hard time finding a sitter during the week, why not consider a Saturday at my office for a Marathon session of 2-4 hours? These are limited to first come first serve.
* There needs to be a level of self-awareness for couples counseling to work. Both parties must have an ability to take responsibility for their part in causing the conflict in the relationship.
**Note for couples considering working with my practice: I do not work with couples in a domestic violence relationship (i.e. physical and sexual abuse), or when one or both partners are addicts (you will need to do individual counseling first).
Once we have spoken on the phone and a time and day is set the fees for couples sessions are $150/hour and this is paid for with cash, check or (charge through Paypal). Please note there are no refunds. Some HSA/FSA accounts can be used on Paypal, if not I can give you a receipt to be reimbursed.
** Special – Pay 10 sessions in advance and get a $100 discount. Ask me about this.
Now that we have set up an appointment please review this short video before coming in to your first session. It is a hint of what you will be working on during your treatment.
As an adjunct to therapy, I often recommend the following links to my couples. At the same time, therapy is not always something couples can fit into their schedules. Also, many times one partner won’t go. Here are some alternative ideas to suggest to your significant other:
Couples Workshops:
New! The Chicago Relationship Center This is a two day Gottman workshop called “The Art and Science of Love.” Make it a way to renew, recharge, and refurbish your home life.
Alternate Locations If you can’t do the Chicago area or would like to visit another location, this link will show you alternate locations for the same workshop above. Dr’s. John and Julie Gottman are the facilitators at the Seattle location.
Gottman.com links
New! Gottman Couples Retreat Board Game This is something to do together on a date night and looks like a lot of fun!
Gott Sex – For help in improving your sex life. This workshop can be done in your own time through online or videos that are provided. Learn how to make your sex life more rich and fulfilling for $99.00
7 Principles for Making your Marriage Work -For $35.00, you and your partner can gain insight on how to make your relationship work. This includes the book and two workbooks that you and your partner can take the time to read and practice with many exciting exercises. A great book!
Art & Science of Love Home DVD Workshop Take the workshop at home, together, if you are unable to fly or drive to one of the nearest locations to Ohio.
Dr. Gary Chapman:
5 Love Languages This is a top pick with my couples and the link will take you to the DVD which is $10 or you can buy the book. I recommend the DVD so you can watch it together and talk about which one is your primary love language. It is fun and then afterwards click here to take the test and find out for sure which one you are. Note: I am told that you can find this through the Columbus Public Library on Digital Format.
Infidelity (Client Picks)
Coping with Infidelity This is an article on the Marriage Builders website.
Surviving the Affair This is a book that addresses both the cheater and the one who was cheated on.
Women’s Infidelity This website is educational and informative and addresses women having an affair. This should be read by both the partner and the woman. There is also a companion book.
(614) 813-7677 | transformpsych@outlook.com